It does, you know. You just have to get it hot enough.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Another Semester as Adjunct

Last fall I taught Intro to Physical Computing and this spring I’m teaching Making Things Interactive, a class I helped develop when I was earning the first Master of Tangible Interaction Design. The TID program is being shut down and I have the last candidate in my class, but I’m glad that CMU developed IDeATe.  I think TID could have evolved in to something like IDeATe, but not being a career academic I have no idea how that would work.

Teaching a class of mixed undergrad and graduate students is interesting.  I have undergrads who’ve only taken the pre-req (Intro to Phys Comp) and considering an IDeATe minor along side graduate students who have engineering or software backgrounds looking to learn more about making interactive things.

posted by jet at 13:59  

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