It does, you know. You just have to get it hot enough.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And Away We Go….

Today’s the first day of my “vacation”, I have ~3 days to finish an art project for a local show (that I will post a link to if I actually finish things), collect all my books, and do everything I need to do before I start spending ~60 hours a week on school. Minor things, like transferring the title on a bike (not minor here in PA), cleaning up my studio/office, putting stuff into storage that I won’t need until after school is over, etc.

No pressure, nope, not one bit.

On the up side, I probably wont’ be T/A’ing or co-teaching this semester, so I’ll be able to write more for this journal and finish some school-related projects I started last semester.

posted by jet at 13:12  

1 Comment »

  1. Well, the important thing is that all this is time-bounded. IOW, there is a known end date, after which things will change. It sounds like you’ve got a lot of cool projects in the works, as usual. What a shame we can’t pay the bills with “cool.”

    Comment by Ann — 2008/08/20 @ 17:22

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